NICC - Business Summit

NICC - Business Summit Main Photo

16 Mar 2016

Business Innovation, Conference

Thursday, May 19 - 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Hotel Julien, Dubuque

Define your future! Learn what drives employee engagement to maximize results and connect to your workforce.

The Business Summit provides access to the experience and perspective of hundreds of business professionals experiencing the same challenges as you.

This action-packed event features high cliber keynotes, small group breakout sessions and a variety of networking opporutnities.


7:30 - 8:40 a.m.

CEO Exchange


Being the Best Place to Work 
In today’s business landscape, talent is like gold. Hold on to it and you can build a happy productive workplace and a wealth of profit. Neglect it, and your best employees leave, your culture tarnishes and your competitive advantage corrodes.  Come to this exchange to hear how local companies engage and retain talent, while helping build a workforce that thrives.

Panel Members:
Liang Chee Wee, Ph.D., Northeast Iowa Community College
Kim Kunkel, Kunkel & Associates, Inc.
Karel Czanderna, Flexsteel Industries Inc.

The CEO Exchange is brought to you by Prosperity Eastern Iowa.

8:15 - 8:30 a.m

Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:45 a.m.


9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Keynote: Rory Vaden


Leaders take the Stairs: Creating a Culture of Discipline in your Organization

Companies and organizations that make the leap to greatness have an almost fanatical mindset and mission of making short-term sacrifices for a long-term vision. It drives every part of their business, including accounting, hiring, training, leadership, marketing and more. But if you look in MBA curriculums or human resource training programs, you won’t find anything that teaches leaders this pivotal skill. You will learn practical steps to infuse your organization with a mentality of discipline.

After hearing Rory’s challenging and thought-provoking presentation, your leaders will:

  • Develop stronger systems of accountability for measuring activity and results.
  • Critically evaluate every instance of company spending.
  • Have a game plan for popularizing the paradigm of discipline within the organization.

10:30 - 10:45 a.m.


10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Keynote: Amanda Johns Vaden


UNSPOKEN: Redefining Expectations Between Men and Women in the World of Work

After performing hundreds of sales interviews in dozens of industries over the course of four years, Amanda Johns Vaden has finally cracked the codes of communicating with the opposite gender. Over the last four years she has traveled across the country coaching, training and consulting with sales organizations to maximize sales activity, production and overall efficiency. It was during this process that she began to notice the gap in effective communication between men and women in all facets of business and life!

Through careful research and meticulous study, Amanda identified and categorized gender similarities in verbal and non-verbal communication, the underlying meaning behind our words, the nuances of dress and appearance, and the overall structure of how men and women act, react, buy and sell just a little bit differently. Her often humorous recap brings piercing clarity and empowering insights into understanding and relating to the subtle differences between how men and women think in today’s business environment.

12:15 - 1:15 p.m.

Lunch and Networking Session

1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

Breakout Session One (choose your track)


Track 1:

Recruiting & Onboarding 
Place Match: The Role of Place Matching in Recruiting and Retaining Talent,  Katherine Loflin, Ph.D.

Today, the lines between place and workplace are blurred. Talent is no longer living to work, but working to live – and place is a critical part of that equation. This new reality will impact businesses’ ability to recruit and retain quality talent, as well as employee satisfaction and productivity once they are on the job. In this breakout session, Dr. Loflin will present research and insights that will help your business optimize the match talent finds in your place, while bolstering your business’s bottom line, your employees and even your public image.


Track 2:

Motivation & Communication
Motivating Employees Using Common Sense, John Graci

News flash: Changing how YOU lead can change your employees’ attitudes and increase motivation! So take a look in the mirror and open yourself to developing leadership techniques that get the results you want – productive, motivated employees. This session challenges supervisors’ assumptions that low motivation is usually the fault of the employee.


Track 3:

Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence Quotient, Kathie Rotz

We have control over our Emotional Quotient (EQ) – the emotional intelligence quotient! We are all born with an inherent IQ that cannot be changed, regardless of efforts to increase it. The generally accepted definition of EQ is the extent to which one manages emotions and thoughts, copes with and responds to pressure, and is able to read the social cues of others in relationships or groups. So how can we recognize, improve and utilize our own EQ to succeed? This session addresses the concept of EQ and its components, “measuring” EQ skills, and understanding the impact of EQ in the workplace.

  • Understand what EQ is and how to use it to succeed
  • Practice recognizing high and low EQ skills
  • Explore four EQ skills
  • Discuss using EQ at work and with your team

2:45 - 3:45 p.m.

Breakout Session Two  (choose your track)



Track 1:

Recruiting & Onboarding
Place Match: The Role of Place Matching in Recruiting and Retaining Talent,  Katherine Loflin, Ph.D.

Today, the lines between place and workplace are blurred. Talent is no longer living to work, but working to live – and place is a critical part of that equation. This new reality will impact businesses’ ability to recruit and retain quality talent, as well as employee satisfaction and productivity once they are on the job. In this breakout session, Dr. Loflin will present research and insights that will help your business optimize the match talent finds in your place, while bolstering your business’s bottom line, your employees and even your public image



Track 2:

Motivation & Communication
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Lisa Schaefer

Contrary to the carrot-and-stick approach is the undeniable evidence that intrinsic, internal motivators are far more effective in improving individual and group performance. Participants will discuss, debate, problem-solve and actively mind-map their way to a customized, concrete plan that promotes autonomy, mastery and a sense of purpose – the three elements that can transform their people and their organizations. This session is an opportunity for leaders to deconstruct Daniel Pink’s packaging of the science behind motivation.



Track 3:

Bring Your Best Brain to Work, Melanie Hoffner

Why do most of us take better care of our hair and skin than we do of our brains? Though the brain is fundamental to every aspect of our life experience, how many of us even know what it means to “take care” of the brain? During this interactive session, we will discover and explore the ways in which your choices and actions can impact your brain’s performance, and as a result, improve your performance at work and at home. Boost your attention, bolster your memory, sharpen your decision-making and banish the multi-tasking myth! Your take-away is a set of specific, practical actions you can employ to build your brain to its best potential.


4:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Closing Keynote: Liang Chee Wee, Ph.D., Northeast Iowa Community College President



Leading a Legacy

If we have said it once, we have said it a hundred times. A leader’s job is to develop more leaders of quality. But why is it so outrageously important to have a ‘super team’ of extraordinary leaders? Beyond a streamlined business process, a better equipped workforce, and a fresh perspective on business strategy and innovation we look for one word: Legacy. Dr. Wee will tell you his story about how he has led a thriving institution and developed a team by taking a step back, setting clear expectations while continuing to stay involved every step of the way.



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